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History of the Lordship

871 AD

Creation of the English Monarchy

1066 AD

Norman Conquest- Battle of Hastings

  • Alfred the Great 871-899

  • Edward Elder 899-924

  • Athelstan 924-939

  • Edmund I 939-946

  • Edred 946-955

  • Edwy 955-959

  • Edgar 959-975

  • Edward the Martyr

  • 975-978

  • Ethelred 978-1016

  • Edmund II 1016

  • Canute 1016-1035

  • Harold I 1035-1040

  • Harthacnut 1040-1042

  • Edward the Confessor 1042-1066

  • Harold II 1066

  • William I 1066-1087

1066 AD

Norman Conquest- Battle of Hastings

1086 AD



Magna Carta

1215 - 1217

First Barons War 


Penland probably derives its name from the Penne family. Colin de la Penne is the first known who is accused of driving a stake through the head of Henry de la Sere by his wife Lucy.

1264 - 1267




Second Barons War

John, son of John and William de la Penne are reported for Penland.

John de la Penne brings an action to recover woods and rents for Penland, as sole owner of Penland, but it is not known if this is the same John or 1278 or another member of the family.

A carucate (the land a plough team of eight oxen could till in a single annual season) of land, woods and rents of Penland are settled on John atte Penne and his wife Agatha.

Ralph Butler of Badminton, Gloucestershire by right of his wife Margaret owns Penland. It is let at farm for £7 9s 10d.

Ralph has probably died as his son Sir John is recorded as owner of Penland dealing with lands called Hallemore.


War of the Roses

Sir John is appointed High Sheriff for Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Sir John is made Knight of the Shire and therefore called to Parliament as a member.

Sir John dies, his son William pre-deceasing him, Penland passes to William’s son John.

John makes a settlement of Penland on the marriage of his son Ralph to Alice Baynam.

John makes a further settlement for his last will.

Ralph pre-deceases his father and John settles Penland on Ralph’s son John on the occasion of his marriage with Silvester (daughter of John Eyes).

John snr dies and his grandson John inherits Penland.

The Act of Supremacy – Church of England

John and Silvester convey Penland to Sir John Williams. Sir John was a Member of Parliament and Master of the King’s Jewels.

Sir John was unpopular with his tenants with many disputes. Sir John is sent to Fleet prison and the Privy Council order that he is to be confined and none to converse with him.


1455 - 1487


1465 and 1472










  • William II 1087-1100

  • Henry I 1100-35

  • Stephen 1135-54

  • Henry II 1154-89

  • Richard I 1189-99

  • John 1199-1216

  • Edward I 1272-130

  • Edward II 1307-2

  • Edward III 1327-77

  • Richard II 1377-1399

  • Henry IV 1399-1413

  • Henry V 1413-22

  • Henry VI 1422-61 1470-71

  • Edward IV 1461-70 1471-83

  • Edward V 1483

  • Richard III 1483-5

  • Henry VII 1485-1509

  • Henry VIII 1509-47

  • Edward VI 1547-53

Sir John is in trouble over the accounts of his monastic properties. He is pardoned however the debt stands at £28,000, an enormous sum for this time.

Queen Mary appoints Sir John as Sheriff of Oxfordshire and Berkshire and it was said that Mary treated him as he “henchman” in Oxfordshire.

Sir John is summoned to Parliament as Lord Williams of Thame. This is in part to compensate him for the ending of the court of augmentations and to give him the dignity required to undertake his new role as Chamberlain to King Philip. He also receives gifts of 200 crowns from Mary and 1,000 crowns from Philip.

Lord Williams is also in favour with Queen Elizabeth. He is one of the Lords who escorts Elizabeth from Hatfield to London for her to take up the crown. Elizabeth appoints him as President of the Council in the Marches of Wales.

Lord Williams becomes ill and dies leaving no male heir. His estates, are left to his daughters and their husbands; Isabel wife of Richard Wenman and Margaret wife of Sir Henry Norreys.

Sir Henry quitclaims their rights to Penland in favour of the Wenmans.

Richard and Isabel settle Penland on themselves for life, with the reversion to their son and heir Thomas. Richard dies later this year.

Isabel marries Richard Huddleston and renounces her life interest in favour of Thomas in return for an annual pension which is funded by leasing Penland to William Norreys for forty years. Thomas dies leaving a son Richard who has not yet reached his majority.

A further lease of Penland to the same effect as the previous one in favour of Richard.

Isabel dies and Richard inherits Penland.

Richard and his wife Agnes convey Penland to Ralph Smith and his wife Martha.

Penland is amalgamated into other estates and is not recorded again.

English Civil War

Industrial Revolution

The title lay dormant for a few hundred years after the amalgamation of Penland Manor and its lands into the Hall barn Estate. As it is not possible for the title to be extinguished, even by the crown, the Family legally reconstructed the title bestowed it upon:

Lord Jeffrey Curtis and Lady Clare Curtis who have set about rebuilding Penland (originally Pennlonnd) House and amalgamating the rights contained within a Manorial Estate












1642 - 1651

1750 - 1850


  • Mary I 1553-58

  • Elizabeth I 1558-1603

  • James I 1603-25

  • Charles I 1625-49

  • Charles II 1660-85

  • James II 1685-88

  • William III 1688-1702

  • Anne 1702-14

  • George I 1714/27

  • George II 1727/60

  • George III 1760-1820

  • George IV 1820-30

  • William IV 1830-7

  • Victoria 1837-1901

  • Edward VII 1901-10

  • George V 1910-36

  • Edward VIII 1936

  • George VI 1936-52

  • Elizabeth II 1952-2022

  • Charles III 2023-

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